Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaNoWriMo, Say What?

Last year I heard about this fun little thing my friend Wit was doing, NaNoWriMo, also known as National Novel Writing Month. the goal of which is to write a novel by the end of November. I was intrigued, and so I decided to join in this year. The minimum is 50,000 word, or about 1,667 words a day. The only rules are that you make it to at least 50,000 words and that you can't begin before November first or end after November thirtieth. You can write any genre you want with any characters you want. They say on the site "If you believe you are writing a novel, then we believe you are writing a novel." If you win all you get is a little paper that you can print out and an internet banner you can put on your site, so there is no real reason to cheat. It's more about the satisfaction of writing a rough draft of a novel. (Edit later, the goal is to get a rough draft. If you edit it will be infinitely harder to make the goal.)

The main reason I decided to participate this year is that I keep telling myself I need to write more. I need to get in the habit of writing regularly. I also want to write a comic book script (something I have been 'working' on for over a year now) and I feel that this will help me get into the habit of writing fiction instead of just my opinions on things. Anyway, I have started my novel this evening and I am excited to complete this challenge! I also encourage everyone to join in! It's easy to do, just click on that NaNoWriMo link I have up there and sign up! If you are already participating, or just signing up, pleas feel free to share a little bit about your novel, I would love to hear about it!


  1. w00t, double blog mention and NaNo! I had a specific idea in mind when I started... then I started typing the novel and that's not what it is at all.... not even close....

  2. People tell me all the time that I should write a book. I always tell them, I am. I write it one chapter at a time and post it online as a blog. I call it my book about everything.

  3. Maybe that's what I need to get into the habit of writing. BTW, I like the new look here.

  4. My original idea died a fiery death. Hopefully my new one will be longer-lived.

  5. Hahaha, I thought as I posted this, "of all the bloggers I read, Bluzdude could do this challenge no prob."

  6. I think this should help motivate me to write a bit more. I'm a bit inconsistent (thus the month-and-a-half hiatus).

    Thanks! I think it looks pretty bo-bob myself.
